
Math functions



angle(v2, v1)

Returns counter-clockwise angle of projections of v1 and v2 onto the x-y plane

angle_between_vectors(v1, v2)

Returns angles between [-180, 180]

are_points_on_same_side(p1, p2, p3, p4)

Are points p3, p4 are on the same side of the line formed by points p1 and p2?


Convert a 2D vector to a 3D vector, setting z=0

coordinate_rotation(v, phi)

Rotate vector/matrix from one frame of reference to another (3D FIXME)

cross(u, v)

Compute cross product u x v, where u and v are 3-dimensional vectors

find_intersection_2D(l1x, l1y, l10, l2x, l2y, l20)

Find the intersection point of two lines in 2D space

get_ball_energy(rvw, R, m)

Get the energy of a ball


Calculate the norm of a 2D vector


Calculate the norm of a 3D vector

orientation(p, q, r)

Find the orientation of an ordered triplet (p, q, r)

point_on_line_closest_to_point(p1, p2, p0)

Returns point on line defined by points p1 and p2 closest to the point p0

rel_velocity(rvw, R)

Compute velocity of cloth with respect to ball’s point of contact

solve_transcendental(f, a, b, tol, max_iter)

Solve transcendental equation f(x) = 0 in interval [a, b] using bisection method

unit_vector(vector, handle_zero)

Returns the unit vector of the vector (just-in-time compiled)

unit_vector_slow(vector, handle_zero)

Returns the unit vector of the vector.

wiggle(x, val)

Vary a float or int x by +- val according to a uniform distribution


pooltool.ptmath.angle(v2, v1=(1, 0))[source]

Returns counter-clockwise angle of projections of v1 and v2 onto the x-y plane

(just-in-time compiled)

pooltool.ptmath.angle_between_vectors(v1, v2) float[source]

Returns angles between [-180, 180]

Return type:


pooltool.ptmath.are_points_on_same_side(p1, p2, p3, p4)[source]

Are points p3, p4 are on the same side of the line formed by points p1 and p2?

Accepts indexable objects. This is a 2D function, but if higher dimensions are provided, that’s ok (only the first two dimensions will be used).

pooltool.ptmath.convert_2D_to_3D(array: numpy.typing.NDArray) numpy.typing.NDArray[source]

Convert a 2D vector to a 3D vector, setting z=0

Return type:


pooltool.ptmath.coordinate_rotation(v, phi)[source]

Rotate vector/matrix from one frame of reference to another (3D FIXME)

(just-in-time compiled)

pooltool.ptmath.cross(u, v)[source]

Compute cross product u x v, where u and v are 3-dimensional vectors

(just-in-time compiled)

pooltool.ptmath.find_intersection_2D(l1x: float, l1y: float, l10: float, l2x: float, l2y: float, l20: float) Tuple[float, float][source]

Find the intersection point of two lines in 2D space

The lines are defined by their linear equations in the general form: (l1x)x + (l1y)y + l10 = 0 and (l2x)x + (l2y)y + l20 = 0.

  • l1x (float) -- The coefficient of x in the first line equation.

  • l1y (float) -- The coefficient of y in the first line equation.

  • l10 (float) -- The constant term in the first line equation.

  • l2x (float) -- The coefficient of x in the second line equation.

  • l2y (float) -- The coefficient of y in the second line equation.

  • l20 (float) -- The constant term in the second line equation.


A tuple (x, y) representing the intersection point if the lines intersect at a single point. Returns None if the lines are parallel or coincident (no unique intersection).

Return type:

Tuple[float, float]

pooltool.ptmath.get_ball_energy(rvw, R, m)[source]

Get the energy of a ball

Currently calculating linear and rotational kinetic energy. Need to add potential energy if z-axis is freed


Calculate the norm of a 2D vector

This is faster than np.linalg.norm


Calculate the norm of a 3D vector

This is ~10x faster than np.linalg.norm

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pooltool.ptmath import *
>>> vec = np.random.rand(3)
>>> norm3d(vec)
>>> %timeit np.linalg.norm(vec)
>>> %timeit norm3d(vec)
2.65 µs ± 63 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100,000 loops each)
241 ns ± 2.57 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000,000 loops each)
pooltool.ptmath.orientation(p, q, r)[source]

Find the orientation of an ordered triplet (p, q, r)

See https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/orientation-3-ordered-points/amp/


  • 3D points may be passed but only the x and y components are used


output -- 0 : Collinear points, 1 : Clockwise points, 2 : Counterclockwise

Return type:


pooltool.ptmath.point_on_line_closest_to_point(p1, p2, p0)[source]

Returns point on line defined by points p1 and p2 closest to the point p0

Equations from https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Point-LineDistance3-Dimensional.html

pooltool.ptmath.rel_velocity(rvw, R)[source]

Compute velocity of cloth with respect to ball’s point of contact

This vector is non-zero whenever the ball is sliding

pooltool.ptmath.solve_transcendental(f, a, b, tol=1e-05, max_iter=100) float[source]

Solve transcendental equation f(x) = 0 in interval [a, b] using bisection method

  • f -- A function representing the transcendental equation.

  • a -- The lower bound of the interval.

  • b -- The upper bound of the interval.

  • tol -- The tolerance level for the solution. The function stops when the absolute difference between the upper and lower bounds is less than tol.

  • max_iter -- The maximum number of iterations to perform.


The approximate root of f within the interval [a, b].

  • ValueError -- If f(a) and f(b) have the same sign, indicating no root within the interval.

  • RuntimeError -- If the maximum number of iterations is reached without convergence.

Return type:


pooltool.ptmath.unit_vector(vector, handle_zero=False)[source]

Returns the unit vector of the vector (just-in-time compiled)


handle_zero (bool, False) -- If True and vector = <0,0,0>, <0,0,0> is returned.


  • Only supports 3D (for 2D see unit_vector_slow)

pooltool.ptmath.unit_vector_slow(vector, handle_zero=False)[source]

Returns the unit vector of the vector.

“Slow”, but supports more than just 3D.


handle_zero (bool, False) -- If True and vector = <0,0,0>, <0,0,0> is returned.

pooltool.ptmath.wiggle(x, val)[source]

Vary a float or int x by +- val according to a uniform distribution